Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birthday Weekend: Some DIY Inspiration, Part 2

Wow! Isn't this "Drift Wood Sculpture" (as I call it) a great fence for the beach?  Now, maybe I'm a bit crazy for considering this a DIY project, but I'm optimistic...and like with the previous post, without actual instructions.  Hopefully I haven't lost you already...   It looks like all you'd need to create this would be 1) driftwood, 2) concrete for setting, 3) a base to set your sculpture and pour the concrete in 4) any shells or stones you'd like to include (see picture below), and 5) about 20 people who would graciously hold the driftwood in place for 2 days until the concrete dries (or you could probably make some sort of grid).  

Well, this pretty much concludes our beach it's time to start posting about the upcoming holiday season!

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