The cottage was stocked with all kinds of great finds! I made a point of using all the utensils in the kitchen, taking note of every detail, and looking closely at each feature so that I could relay all the goodness onto you. So, without further adu, here it is...

I loved the tea kettle from
OXO! It was an unexpected splash of pastel in the kitchen, and the whistle was a nice
hummm as opposed to the blood-curdling shriek mine currently makes (and how does one know before buying a tea kettle what sound it will make?). Honey, you can add this to my Christmas wish list (find it

These are great looking plates! The rim was reminiscent enough of a shell that it worked so smartly for the beach, but I could see this in an urban kitchen also, can't you? Get your own

Now, I know stemless wine glasses are for, well, drinking wine, but I found myself pouring juice and water in these things all weekend! They were nice and over sized, and didn't feel like they were going to break in my hand. Get your own,

I am the pickiest person when it comes to my pillow! In fact, I have been known to bring my pillow with me to foreign countries to ward off any possibilities of a stiff neck. You'd think I would have brought my pillow with me this weekend, but I forgot it...and ended up not regretting that a bit! Yep, after an great night sleep, I was pulling off the pillowcase in hopes the pillow had a tag to offer me any leads on where to get my own. It came from
Pacific Coast Feather Co (along with the great comforter), and you can also buy your own
here. The pillow case, sheets, and duvet cover were also amazing. They had a crepe-y feel to them,
and made from bamboo. You can also get your own from
DreamSacks, Inc.
I hope you enjoyed some of these fun finds! Come back soon...I have some DIY (do-it-yourself) fun inspired by the weekend!